Halloween 2013

Since I took a billion photos of Colt and I don’t want to annoy everyone on Facebook and Instagram I figured I would just bombard you with them here.

I remember someone from my church dressed their twins up as little chickens for Halloween and I always loved the idea. After I made the costume we put it on Colt to see if it fit and if I needed to make any changes. Putting the chicken onesie on was so hard. It took both Chase and me to get it over Colt’s head and Colt was not too happy. Once we got it on him Colt was pulling of the feathers and trying to eat them. I had stitched the boa on and by the end one boa was all the way off and almost all of the other one. After we took it off I was frustrated and thinking it was probably not the best idea to have him be a chicken.

I took out some of the stuffing and created a slit down the back so it would be easier to get on him and then I hot glued the boas on instead of stitching it.

I was nervous to put it on him for Halloween, but surprisingly he didn’t even bother with the feathers this time around and it was easier to put on this time.

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2013-10-31 18.30.18

I love my handsome boys <3

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Had to share this picture because Colt looks so chubby and cute!

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“Why did the chicken cross the road?”

Last minute I decided that I was going to be a road with a chicken crossing sign. I just used an old black shirt and then ironed on heat n’ bond on to an old white shirt. Cut the white shirt into stripes to make the road and ironed them on. I made the sign using yellow and black felt. I found a chicken online and traced that on to the black felt, cut it out, and hot glued it on to the yellow sign. I then just stitched the top and bottom of the sign on to one of the sleeves of my black shirt. I was happy with how my last minute addition turned out.

chicken in leaves

When we were outside taking pictures of Colt we could not get him to look at the camera because he was obsessed with the leaves.

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Except he kept falling over and couldn’t get up because of the stuffing in the onesie.

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Halloween Selfie

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I love this picture!!

sad chicken

By the end he was definitely ready to get out of the costume and get to bed. But I was happy that he cooperated kept his boots and hat on… and didn’t end up being a featherless chicken.

It was a successful first Halloween!

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